Founded 14 years ago by the late Ruge Mutahaba to support the talented & disadvantaged youth by providing them with safe surroundings for talent incubation.

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With our abundant Brand builders & storytellers, we develop cutting-edge impact-based solutions. In our Agency, innovative ideas come to life.

Brand builders & storytellers.
We breath creativity in a campaign

The Agency is our corporate and organizational arm. We are a service provider for measures concerning the marketing mix: communication, product, and sales. We assist government, international and local Civil Society, and for-profit businesses in their marketing quests with their marketing activities’ planning, design, and execution phases. With our abundant Brand builders & storytellers, we develop cutting-edge impact-based solutions. In our Agency, innovative ideas come to life.

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Bringing action to brands.
Here's our Clients.

Our client list speaks for itself. We have worked closely and successfully with government departments and significant companies and pride ourselves on meeting and exceeding our clients' high expectations.

Agency clients

Here is a list of our clients. As you can see, they come from all areas of business. Get in touch and join the winning team.

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